Road Development Program in Lao PDR
Project Type
Project Preparation
Implementing Partners
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Financing Type
Total Financing
Project Description

The objective of this project is to support the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) in project preparation related to the National Road 13 South Extension (NR13SE) Project in Lao PDR, which AIIB is considering financing, and capacity building for the Department of Roads (DoR) in the MPWT in managing the Output and Performance-based Road Contract (OPBRC). The MCDF grant is instrumental in assisting the Government of Lao PDR in undertaking high-quality project preparation activities and improving the capacity to implement projects in line with IFI standards. Further, the project will facilitate the collaboration of the Government of Lao PDR and AIIB while promoting a new partnership with a potential co-financier to the NR13SE Project.

Alignment with MCDF Core Values

The MCDF grant will support high-quality project preparation to meet IFI standards. The project also aligns with MCDF’s objectives of promoting cross-border connectivity given that the underlying investment aims to improve regional and international connectivity infrastructure in Lao PDR.
