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JIGSAW, MCDF’s digital solution for high quality connectivity infrastructure

JIGSAW is MCDF’s digital solution for sustainable, high-quality connectivity infrastructure investment, was launched in December 2021. It facilitates the flow of information on unfunded connectivity projects and relevant knowledge to promote “Multilateral Development Bank (MDB) standards” to enhance high-quality connectivity infrastructure investment in developing countries. JIGSAW is comprised of two Databases, Project Database and Knowledge Database.

Project Database contains information about investment proposals actively seeking financing from MDBs and/or New Partners (including emerging market financiers) to facilitate communication between project owners and potential financiers. It also includes technical assistance proposals for project preparation and capacity development, seeking grant support. The Database on technical assistance project proposals will allow MCDF Secretariat and MCDF Implementing Partners to see if MCDF’s Finance Facility can support the requested technical assistance projects. The Project Database also allows “organizational users” registered with JIGSAW, including New Partners, an opportunity to present themselves to other users of JIGSAW.

Knowledge Database incorporates information materials on MDB standards, best practices, news and analysis related to high-quality and sustainable connectivity infrastructure Investment. These comprise materials related to MCDF knowledge events including presentations, links to video clips, and background reports. It also contains MCDF knowledge products, bi-weekly “MCDF Briefs” which summarize news and analysis related to high-quality and sustainable connectivity infrastructure, key MCDF publications, knowledge materials on MDB standards related to high-quality connectivity infrastructure, IFI’s past projects, and best practices shared by users.

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