China EXIM Bank Enhanced Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS)
Project Type
Project Preparation
Implementing Partners
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Financing Type
Total Financing
Project Description

China EXIM Bank (CEXIM) is one of China’s three state-owned policy banks. The MCDF grant will be used to assist CEXIM in enhancing and implementing the ESMS to support the China EXIM Bank Green On-Lending Facility through the application of the improved standards reflected in CEXIM’s revised policies and procedures and developing a Green Financing Framework (GFF) that can be applied also to other projects or business lines in the future, thereby strengthening the bank’s institutional capacity in this field. The MCDF grant will also enable sharing lessons learnt and research with industry peers to support building a case study for the banking industry in China to take up similar approaches.

Alignment with MCDF Core Values

CEXIM is a new partner in the MCDF context. The project will enable CEXIM to apply enhanced ESMS and GFF and support the adoption of IFI standards by the wider banking sector in China. The China EXIM Bank Green On-Lending Facility will strengthen the impact of CEXIM’s green loan portfolio. The preliminary pipeline comprises of green sub-projects such as renewable energy, ecosystem rehabilitation and others in China.
